RECOMB 2000  List of accepted papers

Chor, Hendy, Holland, Penny
Multiple Maxima of Likelihood in Phylogenetic Trees: An Analytic

Akutsu, Miyano, Kuhara
Algorithms for Identifying Boolean Networks and Related Biological
Networks Based on Matrix Multiplication and Fingerprint Function

Marsan, Sagot
Extracting structured motifs using a suffix tree - Algorithms and
application to promoter consensus identification

Linial, Portugaly
Probabilities for having a new fold on the basis of a map of all
protein sequences

Chen, Kwong, Li
A Compression Algorithm for DNA Sequences and Its Applications in Genome

Liwo, Pillardy, Czaplewski, Lee, Ripoll, Groth, Rodziewicz-Motowidlo,
Kazmierkiewicz, Wawak, Oldziej,  Scheraga
UNRES -- a united-residue force field for energy-based prediction
of protein structure - origin and significance of multibody terms

Kann, Goldstein
Optimizing for Success: A New Score Function For Distantly Related
Protein Sequence Comparison

Akutsu, Arimura, Shimozono
On Approximation Algorithms for Local Multiple Alignment

Teichmann, Chothia, Church, Park
PDB-ISL: an intermediate sequence library for fast assignment of
protein structures to sequences

Pevzner, Dancik, Tang
Mutation-Tolerant Protein Identification by Mass-Spectrometry

Batzoglou, Berger, Mesirov, Lander
Sequencing a Genome by Walking with Clone-end Sequences: A
Mathematical Analysis

Batzoglou, Pachter, Mesirov, Berger, Lander
Comparative Analysis of Mouse and Human DNA and Applications to
Exon Prediction

Bienkowska, Yu, Zarakhovich, Rogers, Smith
Comprehensive statistical method for protein fold recognition

Ohkubo, Crippen
Determining Contact Energy Function for Continuous State Models
of Globular Protein Conformations

An Analytic Approach to Significance Assessment in Local Sequence
Alignment with Gaps

Apostolico, Bejerano
Optimal Amnesic Probabilistic Automata or How to Learn and Classify
Proteins in Linear Time and Space

Heber, Stoye, Hoheisel, Vingron
Contig Selection in Physical Mapping

Hallett, Lagergren
New Algorithms for the Duplication-Loss Model

Desper, Vingron
Tree Fitting: an Algebraic Approach Using Profile Distances

Lyngso, Pederson
Pseudonknots in RNA Secondary Structures

Chen, Durand, Farach-Colton
Notung: Dating gene duplications using gene family trees

Xu, Xu, Crawford, Einstein, Serpersu
Protein Structure Determination using Protein Threading and
Sparse  NMR Data

Slonim, Tamayo, Mesirov, Golub, Lander
Class prediction and discovery using gene expression data

Sorenson, Head-Gordon
Matching simulation and experiment: a new simplified model for
simulating protein folding

Zien, Zimmer, Lengauer
A simple iterative approach to parameter optimization

Ben-Dor, Karp, Schwikowski, Yakhini
Universal DNA tag systems: a combinatorial design scheme

Sankoff, Bryant, Deneault, Lang, Burger
Early Eukaryote Evolution Based on Mitochondrial Gene Order

Yona, Levitt
A unified sequence-structure classification of protein sequences:
combining sequence and structure in a map of the protein space

Bailey-Kellogg, Widge, Kelley, Berardi, Bushweller, Donald
The NOESY Jigsaw: automated protein secondary structure and
main-chain assignment from sparse, unassigned NMR data

Ben-Dor, Bruhn, Friedman, Nachman, Schummer, Yakhini
Tissue classification with gene expression profiles

Kececioglou, Shete, Arnold
Reconstructing distances in physical maps of chromosomes with
nonoverlapping probes

Hart, Royyuru, Stolovitzky, Califano
Systematic and Automated Discovery of Patterns in PROSITE Families

Althaus, Kohlbacher, Lenhof, Mueller
A combinatorial approach to protein docking with flexible side-chains

Friedman, Linial, Nachman, Pe'er
Using Bayesian Networks to Analyze Expression Data

Preparata, Upfal
Sequencing-by-hybridization at the information-theory bound:
an optimal algorithm

Tomita, Hashimoto, Takahashi, Matsuzaki, Matsushima, Yugi, Miyoshi,
Nakano, Saito, Shimizu, Nakayama
The E-CELL project: towards integrative simulation of cellular