Due to the generosity of the RECOMB Conference Corporate Sponsors we are happy to announce that some financial support is available for travel to the RECOMB 2000 Conference. We hope to be able to give out at least 15 awards of up to $750 each to graduate students. Preference will be given to students who will present their work in the conference, as papers or posters.
Please send by email
a short (1 page) description including:
Ph.D. Advisor name:
Expected graduation date:
Are you presenting a paper at Recomb 2000 ?:
Have you submitted a poster to Recomb 2000 ?:
A short description of your research area and your work:
If interested, please
respond as soon as possible to Ms. Hagit Hen, email:tonozo@math.tau.ac.il
We will announce the
the travel awards by February 15, 2000.
c/o Ron Shamir, Recomb
2000 Program Chair